6 March 2022
Compiling VLC from source for Windows and Linux
By far the easiest way of compiling VLC is using the provided Docker containers, so install docker on your platform https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
For Windows:
Clone VLC:
git clone -b 3.0.x https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc.git
Startup the container (this assumes you have cloned VLC to ~/vlc
docker run --user root --rm --volume ~/vlc:/vlc -it registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-win64-3.0:20211008140026 bash
Once that's done you'll be in a bash terminal. At the moment .msi builds are very complicated to get working, so for simplicity we just do a git revert on the commit that added the .msi build, within docker:
cd /vlc
git revert --no-edit d723904cbd12600efbd3718db0896cabd4823db1
Compile VLC:
./extras/package/win32/build.sh -i n
For Linux (Snap):
Clone VLC:
git clone -b 3.0.x https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc.git
Startup the container (this assumes you have cloned VLC to ~/vlc
docker run --user root --rm --volume ~/vlc:/vlc -it registry.videolan.org/vlc-ubuntu-bionic:20190627090437 bash
Once that's done you'll be in a bash terminal, simply enter the source tree and compile:
cd /vlc/extras/package/snap
make -f package.mak snap
For Linux (Binaries):
This is probably the most likely to fail as it's very dependent on the versions of dependencies on your system, if possible use the snap binaries:
Clone VLC:
git clone -b 3.0.x https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc.git
Startup the container (this assumes you have cloned VLC to ~/vlc
docker run --user root --rm --volume ~/vlc:/vlc -it registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-unstable:20210803114245 bash
Compile VLC:
cd /vlc && export NCPU=$(nproc) && export TRIPLET=x86_64-linux-gnu
cd extras/tools && ./bootstrap && make -j$NCPU --output-sync=recurse
export PATH="/vlc/extras/tools/build/bin:$PATH"
cd ../../ && mkdir -p contrib/contrib-$TRIPLET && cd contrib/contrib-$TRIPLET
../bootstrap && make -j$NCPU --output-sync=recurse fetch
make -j$NCPU --output-sync=recurse
make package
cd ../../ && ./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-debug --disable-asdcp && make -j$NCPU
You'll now have VLC binaries in the source tree, to install them to your system:
sudo apt install gcc-10
sudo make -j$(nproc) install